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Vamos Juntar-nos a Nós

Vamos Juntar-nos a Nós

Somos uma plataforma dinâmica e inovadora, comprometida em proporcionar a melhor experiência de jogo online. Estamos constantemente em busca de excelência e abertos a expandir nossa equipe com indivíduos talentosos e dinâmicos que compartilham nossa visão. Convidamos você a se juntar a nós em nossa jornada em direção à inovação e melhoria, e fazer parte desta empresa que cresce com valores e sucesso.

As Vagas

Location: Remote | Type: full-time | Salary: from 1400 dollars

What we offer:

  • Highly competitive salary and bonuses;
  • Interesting and challenging project that stimulates professional growth and development;
  • A data-driven customer experience approach to analyzing and solving customer problems.
  • Growing opportunity in the field of client experience analytics.
  • Professional and mentally challenging team environment.
  • Remote working;
  • 20 vacation and sick leave days per year for health and recuperation;
  • English language courses from company;
  • Opportunities for professional growth and professional skills enhancement and much more.

Main requirements:

  • Critical thinking and the ability to analyze and problem solve.
  • Work experience in an analytics based client service role.
  • Working knowledge of CRM software and customer data analysis tools.
  • Ability to morph and transformation of customers’ data into actionable insights.
  • Strong communications skills and high attention to detail.
  • Will be a plus:
  • Basic HTML knowledge;
  • Work experience with news releases.

Location: Remote | Type: full-time | Salary: from 1300 dollars
What we offer:

  • Resolving difficult technical challenges with clients worldwide.
  • Education programs with a focus on technical competencies and qualifications.
  • Cooperative and innovation team environment.
  • 20 paid vacation days and flexible sick leave days;
  • Cooperative discussions on final remuneration.

Main requirements:

  • Experience in a technical support role
  • Strong technical problem solving experience
  • Basic HTML/CSS knowledge
  • Knowledge of CRM and help desk ticketing systems.
  • Able to explain a technical concepts to non-technical customers
  • Patience and ability to solve problems.
  • Ability to work in a team and to learn quickly;
  • Knowledge of English (or any other language) will be a plus.

Então, Por Que Você Deveria Juntar-se a Nós?

As vantagens são abundantes ao trabalhar na Betco: Acreditamos e fomentamos um ambiente de trabalho colaborativo, de apoio, que valoriza as ideias e incentiva o crescimento. Fazer parte da nossa equipe significa contribuir para uma plataforma líder na indústria de jogos online, trabalhando com a mais recente tecnologia enquanto desfruta de um conjunto de benefícios que atendem ao seu desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional. Faça parte de algo grandioso!